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World brand Press Machine applications for air conditioner

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-07-22      Origin: Site

Which of 26°C and 28°C is more power efficient?

Does the air conditioner in summer save electricity at 26℃ or 28℃? Before clarifying this problem, we must first figure out how the air conditioner is cooled?

Air conditioning and refrigeration use the principles of liquid vaporization to absorb heat and gas liquefaction to release heat.

When the refrigerant in the air conditioner flows through the indoor unit, it converts from liquid to gas to absorb heat, thereby reducing the temperature in the room; when the refrigerant flows through the outdoor unit, it converts from gas to liquid to release heat, and the outdoor unit blows hot air. Every time the air conditioner is increased by 1 degree, the electricity load can be reduced by 7% to 10%.

For an air conditioner, the temperature setting is equivalent to its working target. When the actual temperature differs greatly from the target temperature, the air conditioner will run at full power to make the room temperature reach the standard as soon as possible. If the temperature is set too low, the air conditioner The compressor will work under high power for a long time, which will affect the life of the air compressor.

Therefore, when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor increases, the power consumption of the air conditioner will increase. In summer, the general temperature in the country is above 30℃. Generally speaking, it is obviously more power-efficient to turn on the air conditioner at 28℃.

For people who are sitting or doing light work, you can increase the temperature of the air conditioner a little bit, because each degree of increase can save about 7%-10% of electricity, but it has little effect on body perception.

How much does the air conditioner turn on?

This actually depends on the situation, such as the elderly and the young, men and women.

Generally speaking, setting the air conditioner between 25°C and 28°C is the comfortable temperature that most people adapt to, and 27°C is a watershed. If at night, within the range of better human comfort, it is recommended to increase the air conditioner temperature as much as possible. But for good health, even if you are young, don’t try to keep the temperature low!

Tips for using air conditioner

The filter is often cleaned. If a lot of dust accumulates in the vent or filter, it will bring certain difficulties to the start of the air conditioner. Increase the power and consume a lot of unnecessary power. It is recommended to clean it once a month.

The best temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is about 5°. The difference between indoor and outdoor temperature is no more than 10℃. Excessive temperature difference will not only slow down the response of the air conditioner, but also harm the human body and easily induce air conditioning disease.

Adhere to "summer up and winter down". The air-conditioning flap blades change the blowing direction according to the season. In summer, the air is relatively hot. If the air-conditioning wind blows upward, the cold wind will naturally go downwards, which reduces the temperature and saves electricity.

Do not switch frequently. If the air conditioner is turned off, do not turn it on immediately. It is best to wait until 5 minutes to turn it on again. It is not easy to damage the air conditioner components.

Disconnect the power supply when the air conditioner is not in use. Some people may find it troublesome, but the standby of the air conditioner also needs power support. When you don’t know, the air conditioner has already consumed the power that you can’t see.

Do you know how is the air conditioner produced?

There are many stampings parts in an air conditioner. These stamping parts need high quality press machine for production. World brand press machines are widely used by air conditioner manufacturers. You may do not know what is world or what a power press machine is. But world machines already helped you a lot to enjoy a cooling summer and a warm winter.


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